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Mama's Layered Biscuits


Updated: May 9, 2023

Prep Time: 30mins Cook Time: 23 mins Bake Temp: 400 F


4 cups All Purpose Flour

4 tsp baking soda

4 tsp baking powder

1 TBS salt

1 TBS garlic powder

1 tsp cracked black pepper

1 cup Buttermilk or whole milk

1 1/3 cups water

2 sticks of cold cubed butter


1) Combine all dry ingredients

2) Cut in the cold butter

3) Roll out onto floured surface until 1/4" thick; fold over into thirds and repeat 4 times

4) Cut into 1/2" biscuit rounds and place on parchment lined baking dish

5) Freeze for 10 mins

6) Bake for 23 mins or until golden brown and flaky

Helpful Tip:

Try to touch the dough with your hands as little as possible. The colder the butter at bake time, the flakier the biscuits!

* pairs great with pepper jelly! For a traditional biscuit that pairs best with fruity spreads, simply omit the garlic and


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About Holly

Mama of 7, wife to an incredible man. I spend my days loving my husband, raising and schooling our kiddos, playing with our pup, baking or cooking something in the kitchen and working on ways to keep our home running more smoothly. 

Passionate about simplicity, coffee, creativity and Christ. I desire to see a grass roots movement of mothers (& fathers!) that reclaim and live out a biblical definition of family while leading our children to intimately know God and love Him dearly.
I truly believe that the best is yet to come and I invite you on this journey into our High Calling of Motherhood and our Beloved Identity as His Daughters.

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