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First Birthday On The Homestead


We recently celebrated our oldest and his last year before becoming a teen. (Insert gagging and crying because there's no way we're this old already, and there is certainly no way my sweet baby is that old already!?!).

So while yes, in part, I'm proud I didn't cry over him turning another double digit; I'm more proud of myself for keeping it simple and not caving to self inflicted pressure to make the party something "big". W is a great place to cut my teeth on that. He is laid back and simple to please. Give him food, friends, laughter, and an extended bedtime (on a school night none the less) and he is golden!

Every year up until this year we've had a large scaled combined birthday party twice a year. One in the spring for the girls, and one in the fall for the boys. It's always worked for us because our boys have birthdays all within 7 weeks of each other in the fall (same with the girls in the spring) and with homeschooling they've always had a similar or identical circle of friends to celebrate with. We also found that with two of the fall birthdays falling so close to big holidays, it was just easier on our unit with travel plans, our friends tend to be more available to celebrate, and it's much more economical. So this year, when we were asked to not have a shared party shifting from this large busy idea of a party to a simple and paired way back get together was a bit challenging; but no less fun.

W requested we make the most of living out in the boonies with a weeknight campout complete with an 8ft nacho table and all you can eat smores around a campfire with a few of his buddies and a campfire breakfast. And truthfully, it couldn't have been a better way to not only celebrate him and another trip around the sun, it was a great way to celebrate the first birthday out on the homestead!

Nachos are simple and easy and affordable to make in copius amounts. While we were still praying for a renter, cheap and easy were the perfect order. So we were more than happy to oblige! We ended up with an 8ft nacho table that was scrumptious and we made a ton of s'mores! W made an excellent request of a reeses s'more and if you have never... 10/10 recommend.

We spent the night around the fire. One pal brought out a guitar and the boys had a blast being silly, playing manhunt and flashlight tag, and feasting until they fell asleep. The only thing that dampened the party was literally an earlier than predicted rainfall. So while fun was had W didn't get his campfire breakfast. So I improvised and made birthday pancakes for all with my no fail pancake recipe.

And since it was raining, a Switch Competition was clearly necessary. I'm not sure who ended up winning what rounds against whom. However, I do know this simple, budget friendly party went down for a giant win in our books!

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About Holly

Mama of 7, wife to an incredible man. I spend my days loving my husband, raising and schooling our kiddos, playing with our pup, baking or cooking something in the kitchen and working on ways to keep our home running more smoothly. 

Passionate about simplicity, coffee, creativity and Christ. I desire to see a grass roots movement of mothers (& fathers!) that reclaim and live out a biblical definition of family while leading our children to intimately know God and love Him dearly.
I truly believe that the best is yet to come and I invite you on this journey into our High Calling of Motherhood and our Beloved Identity as His Daughters.

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