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She is here! Our sweet baby girl, our number six, has made it Earthside.

We've spent the last two months basking in her new baby smells, squeaks and scrunched.

And let me tell you. She is absolutely perfect. Our sweet, peaceful red head!

The Lord had His hand on her the entire pregnancy. Her birth was overdue in perfect timing. She is big and squishy. Perfection in every single roll. I truly do not remember life without her. Even though she has only been in our arms just a few weeks.

E is what we needed. Our precious, life-long reminder of His rest. His place of pausing and reflection and feasting in His goodness.

Her joining our family has been cladded in prayer of smooth transition and integration with her siblings. My prayer specifically has been, "Lord, help me to continue to make her siblings feel as loved and valued and remembered as they truly are. Help them to love her as I do. And when I fall short, may they be reminded by Holy Spirit of how special they are to you, and us."

-God answers prayers you guys. She is so loved and welcomed into this family by all 7 of us.

Bouncing back has been a bit of a challenge with E compared to my other deliveries, however, Hubs was able to take 3 weeks of PPL and what a HUGE lifesaver that was. I stayed in my room the whole time and didn't come out and do house work until I was truly ready. Our past 5 deliveries and few miscarriages didn't come with this luxury so I snapped back into full time mommin' role as quick as needed. Pulled my boot straps up and made it work. But something about not "having to make it work" made my physical healing process so much easier. I was able to bond with E and get to know her quirks much more quickly. And for that I am truly thankful!

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