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Catching Up


Well, I'm not exactly sure how long it's been since the last post; but it's been a hot minute!

There's been a lot of happenings here at the homestead! Garden fencing is going up. The house is getting gutters (Thank you, Jesus!). The pool is getting lots of laughter and splashes in these last few hot weeks of the year here. The trees (So many trees) have all been manicured and had yaupon bushes removed. Corrales have been cut. Fencing repaired. Pantries stocked. Seeds sprouting and readied for fall planting. More mowing- I feel like hubs is constantly mowing. And that's just to name a few! It's been busy.

School Routines have been settled into as they've been established over the last few weeks. We school year round typically with several week breaks sprinkled throughout. But this year we are playing a smidge bit of catch up because of the time we chose to take off during the move. This means that five of the six kiddos are actively learning daily in their texts as well as in their day to day surroundings. It is always so exciting and encouraging to watch them be challenged and conquer those challenges!

Over the last couple of weeks we have battled a few different viruses and teething. Which to some may not seem a big deal, but with 6 littles to work it's way through, I feel it has been ages since we've been able to get out and do more than enjoy the property we are on. Thankfully, there's plenty to do here and we've been able to really enjoy adventuring around. Acclimating to the pollen and humidity has also been a bit strenuous on the sinuses, but we are getting there! Hooray for local honey!! If you struggle with seasonal allergies, I strongly encourage you to begin taking raw honey daily from a local keeper! Try to get it from as close to your home as possible. It makes such a big difference.

So, here I find myself. Writing on this dreary September afternoon. With a quiet home. Full Bellies and sleeping babes and am almost overwhelmed by the goodness of God. This move has been hard and a total faith walk. No real rhyme or reason as to why other than the typical stresses associated with moving, adjusting to new rhythms as a family unit, living close to family and trying to gingerly handle those dynamics, finding where we fit, reconnecting with old friends, letting go of expectations and trusting that the house we own up north IS going to sell... SOON! We have experienced the financial squeeze with moving and settling. And at times, when our finances are squeezed we find ourselves fighting discouragement and doubt that we made the right choice. We are constantly having to remind each other that we did hear right. We did act timely and obediently. And that God has this.

However, on quiet days like today

, when there is stillness in the home and minds, perspective is so easy to catch.

Our bellies are full. Our hearts are full. Our home is full of life and love and happiness. The Lord is starting to connect the "why" dots. He is ever present with

us and our children. And maturing is taking place.

So today, I physically look up and choose to breath in His goodness. Breath in His faithfulness. Breath in His love. Inhale and press deep into those promises.

Friend, I'm not sure what challenges or mountains you feel you're up against. I don't know what that 'thing' is that so easily has your perspective fractured. But I, today, am reminding you to turn your head up to where your help comes from. Remind yourself, out loud, that He has you right in the palm of His hand. He is with you and He cares deeply for you. Breath in His goodness. Breath in His faithfulness. Breath in His love. Inhale and press deeply into His promises over you.

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About Holly

Mama of 7, wife to an incredible man. I spend my days loving my husband, raising and schooling our kiddos, playing with our pup, baking or cooking something in the kitchen and working on ways to keep our home running more smoothly. 

Passionate about simplicity, coffee, creativity and Christ. I desire to see a grass roots movement of mothers (& fathers!) that reclaim and live out a biblical definition of family while leading our children to intimately know God and love Him dearly.
I truly believe that the best is yet to come and I invite you on this journey into our High Calling of Motherhood and our Beloved Identity as His Daughters.

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